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2002 -    



2004 – MA  Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk (Poland), Faculty of Painting and Graphic (Speciality: Photography)

2002 – Academy of Fine Arts (VSVU, Bratislava, Slovakia), Faculty of Photography

2000, 2001 – Schule für Geschtaltung in Sankt Gallen (Switzerland), Faculty of Graphic Design


2005 - the president of Sopot award "Sopot Muse For Young Artists", Sopot, Poland


2008 - Dialogue - Morphs, 2PiR, Poznan, Poland

2007 - Hueckelserafin. Selected Works 2003–2007, Andersons Mill Smeaton, Daylesford Foto Biennale, Australia

2006 - Morphs,TWO07 Gallery, New York, USA

2006 - Hueckelserafin, Galeria Prawdziwej Sztuki im. A. Legusa, Olecko, Poland

2006 - Morphs. Disfunctions, CSW Solvay, Month of Photography, Cracow, Poland

2006 - In-between, FF Gallery, Lodz, Poland

2005 - Morphs, Fotonoviembre (International Biennial of Photography), Tenerife, Spain

2005 - The Morphs, Univerzitnej Knižnice Gallery, Month of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia

2005 - Morphs. Babydolls. Exchange II, Wozownia Gallery of Art, Torun, Poland

2005 - Morphs, Promocyjna Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

2005 - hueckelserafin group. Photographs from 2002-2004, National Gallery of Art, Sopot, Poland

2003 - Babydolls, Piwnica przy Dominikanskiej, Month of Photography, Cracow, Poland

2003 - Babydolls, Profil Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia


2018 - Polish Feminist Art, Desa Unicum, Warsaw, Poland - exhibition and auction

2004 - Babydolls. Appendix. Morphs (projection),  Homeless Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

2004 - Babydolls. Appendix. Morphs (projection), Homeless Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland

2004 - Babydolls. Appendix. Morphs (projection), Fotofestiwal (Month of Photography), Lodz, Poland

2002 - Fremdheit-Naehe, Saeulenhalle des Parlament, Vienna, Austria

2002 - Female Life, ZPAF, Studio Gallery, Warsaw, Poland  

2002 - Female Life, Studio Gallery, Warsaw, Poland


Polish Feminist Art, Desa Unicum - exhibition and auction (Warsaw 2018)

- A. Łukaszewicz Alcaraz, Epistemologiczna rola obrazu fotograficznego (Wyd.naukowe Scholar 2014),

- E. Lasota, Moda, ciało, tożsamość a konstrukt kulturowy, Świat obrazu nr 83,

- M. Michałowska, Obraz utajony. Szkice o fotografii i pamięci (Kraków 2007)

- M. Michałowska, Ciało zamaskowane,

   Katalog IV Krakowskiej dekady fotografii „Punkt widzenia. Fotografia ciała”

- I. Kowalczyk, Aneks Hueckelserafin,

- K. Jurecki, W latach 70... Dokument i inscenizacja, Format nr 4(48)

- K. Jurecki, The neo-feminist version of the concept of "poor photography”, editorial to the exhibition catalogue „Hueckelserafin. In-between” (FF Gallery, Lodz 2006, Poland)

- K. Jurecki, hueckelserafin group,

- Tekstylia bis. Słownik młodej polskiej kultury (Dictionary of polish Young culture),

   Korporacja ha !art, Cracow 2006, Poland

- Hueckelserafin. In-between, exhibition catalogue of h/s group, FF Gallery,Lodz 2006, Poland

- Appendix. Hueckel & Serafin, Stirato nr 17, Roma 2005, Italy

- K. Jurecki, Hueckelserafin: morfy, Fotografia nr 18/2005, Poland

- Morfy. Laleczki. Zamiana I, exhibition catalogue of h/s group, Wozownia Art Gallery, Torun 2005,  Poland

- Hueckelserafin. Morfy, exhibition catalogue of h/s group, Promocyjna Gallery, Warsaw 2005, Poland

- K. Jurecki, Hueckelserafin. Laleczki [The dolls], Imago nr 19/2005, Slovakia

- K. Jurecki, Hueckelserafin. Laleczki [The dolls], EXIT nr 3(59)/2004, Poland

- Laleczki, catalogue of h/s group, Sopot 2003, Poland

- Babiky – Babydolls, exhibition catalogue, Profil Gallery,Bratislava 2003, Slovakia

 © 2025 by Agata Serafin

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